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Tactical Living

May 31, 2019

Most of us are fed up with seeing the newest fad diet trends showcased in every media outlet that we come across on a daily basis. The ketogenic, paleo, Mediterranean and fasting are just a few of the dozens that pop up on filtered social media feeds. Most Americans are overweight and malnourished. There is a...

May 29, 2019

For some, they have the opportunity each day to wake up excited to go to work. Are you one of the majority that dreads having to walk into the office each morning? It is easy to get caught up in what is comfortable while neglecting what truly makes you happy each day. It takes a lot of risk and uncomfortable feelings...

May 27, 2019

There are many employees who do all of the hard work while someone else takes credit for it. For many, they accept the feelings of defeat and continue working without the feeling of gratification. Maybe you are a nurse who works tirelessly while the doctor gets all of the praise. Perhaps you work as a dispatcher without...

May 24, 2019

Most of us believe in a higher power and use this as a driving force for the way that we live our daily lives. For some, it takes decades to discover their belief system and trust in something greater than themselves. It was recently brought to my attention that most people believe in a higher power, but not always...

May 22, 2019

Many of us choose our professions based on what our parents and even grandparent did before us. We don’t often consider how your parents’ jobs will affect your career choices. Studies have shown that what your parents do for a living can make it more than 400 times more likely that you too will follow the same path....