Apr 28, 2023
Welcome to our podcast, where we discuss the unique challenges
faced by police officers and their families. Today's episode is
focused on police
wives and the importance of respecting their police husbands
when they are out on a critical call.
Being a police officer is a demanding job that requires dedication
Apr 26, 2023
While remote prostitution might not be
considered an issue to some, the truth is that these services are
no different than any other ‘pay for play’ that you might find on
the corner of your local downtown area.
Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast, where we delve into
the world of digital prostitution and...
Apr 24, 2023
The statistics of child sex crimes is rising at dramatic rates and it seems that the lockdowns suffered in 2020 may have contributed to these rising numbers.
If you search deep on the internet, you will find that there are many children who suffer from psychological, sexual or emotional abuse that are turning to...
Apr 21, 2023
Do you remember that song Try by Colbie Caillat?
If not, it’s basically a song about not trying too hard to impress other people.
In today’s episode, Coach Ashlie Walton shares a time when a Doctor that she used to work for proudly shared this song with her…Indicating that she tries too hard in life.
Apr 19, 2023
Have you ever gotten into an argument with your spouse and one of you brought up something from the past and somehow made it seem relevant to the current argument at hand?
It turns out that many people in relationships find that they are together with a professional historian.