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Tactical Living

Sep 29, 2021

Imagine for a second...


It's 1000 years ago...Your lost...alone...and all you want to do is find your way home. Your eyes are closed for a long moment and as they open, you look up and you see it...the north star. In that moment, you realize that you aren't lost at all...In fact, you simply couldn't see through the...

Sep 27, 2021

And so the argument goes...


"You can have sex without intimacy and intimacy without sex." 


In today's episode, I am going to share a candid conversation between two of my good friends as it pertains to their totally different viewpoints when it comes to the act of sex versus the sacred nature of connecting with...

Sep 24, 2021

Has God ever tested you? Did you even pay attention to it when he did? 


In today's episode, I am going to share with you how an unexpected test from God took place while I was visiting my friends in Florida. 


I dive deep into what this meant for me and how these sorts of tests may happen often in your life...



Sep 22, 2021

"REMINDER: Life is too short to be unhappy. Do things that make you smile more." - Trent Shelton


It sounds simple, right? And I'll bet that you glanced over this quote as quickly as I did the first time. 


But when you allow yourself to sit and think on this, it becomes evident that all too easily, we get caught up...

Sep 20, 2021

I know that there is a giant list of things that you have on your plate right now. You know, the 'I should have done this yesterday' sort of list. 


In today's episode, I am going to share with you the BEST strategy in order to start marking these things off of your list and actually move forward. 


SMART Goals. Mind...