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Tactical Living

May 24, 2024

Join us as we welcome back a very special guest, Justin Hesse, affectionately known as the Cops' Coach and the powerhouse behind Blue Line Fitness. Get ready for a deep dive into Emotional Fitness in Law Enforcement with a man who knows exactly how challenging staying fit—both emotionally and physically—can be for first responders.

👀 What You Don't Know About Justin:

While you might recognize him from his transformative fitness coaching, you might not know he's an avid snowboarder, motorcycle enthusiast, and a fan of ice baths! Discover the unique ways Justin stays healthy amidst the grueling schedule of a first responder.


👊 In This Episode:

Top Fitness Mistakes: (Affiliate Link) Justin will reveal the common traps cops fall into when trying to stay fit.

Optimal Health Strategies: Learn the best practices for maintaining your health despite the hectic life of a law enforcement officer.

Personal Journey (Affiliate Link): Justin opens up about his own struggles and triumphs in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, providing insights and inspiration.

Join Host Ashlie Walton and Justin Hesse for this illuminating discussion that could change the way you think about health and FITNESS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT.

📍 Tune In: Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical advice that can help you navigate the complexities of staying healthy while serving and protecting.


🔗 Stay Connected:

Subscribe to Tactical Living Podcast for more episodes that empower and educate.
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💬 We Want to Hear From You:
After the interview, drop a review and subscribe to let Justin know how much you appreciate his insights and sharing his journey with us!

🔥 Spread the Word:
Share this event with fellow officers and first responders who could benefit from Justin’s expert advice on staying strong, both on the job and off.

Get ready to be motivated and moved—this is one episode you can't afford to miss!


GIVEAWAY CLOSED: Join our POLICE, FIRE MILITARY AND FAMILIES Facebook group to get in on the action next time! 

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The Tactical Living Podcast is owned by LEO Warriors, LLC. None of the content presented may be copied, repurposed or used without the owner’s prior consent.


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ADDRESS: P.O. Box 400115 Hesperia, Ca. 92340




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