Feb 26, 2021
Constructive criticism is something that we were conditioned with. From a young age, we were graded and assessed, evaluated and corrected.
As we have gotten older, constructive criticism is not something that we see very much of. Your boss might be the only person who shows this to you and that might be on an annual...
Feb 24, 2021
Have you ever known someone who never owns up to their own mistakes? What about someone who always passes the buck and says that mistakes are others instead of their own?
In today's episode, I am going to share with you why ego has so much to do with people who operate this way. I am also going to explain why it is...
Feb 22, 2021
If you know what it's like to feel your blood start to boil each time that someone disrespects your time by showing up late (or not showing up at all), today's episode is for you.
Today, I am going to share with you why changing the perception of time for money will allow you to reevaluate exactly how you spend your...
Feb 19, 2021
Today is a very special day. It would have been my mother's 69th birthday.
I can remember when my mom first died. I read all of the blogs and books. I listened to what every 'expert' said. NOTHING SEEMED TO HELP.
Nearly six years later, I am able to reflect back some of the things that I was told that I was...
Feb 17, 2021
Our minds do not work in a linear fashion. In fact, we are constantly running on loops.
Feedback loops and completion loops are two main functions of the way that our minds actually work.
I know that as a first responder, armed service member or if you work in any other profession, there are times when you wish...